Should Indonesia Have Its Own Russell Group?

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Russell Group is an association of research-based universities in the United Kingdom. By now, there are 24 prominent UK universities engaged in the Russell Group. University of Cambridge, Oxford, and University College London (UCL) are among those enjoying rewarding collaboration and practical impact on society trough the existence of Russell Group.

Russell Group is identical to the other university associations in many other countries. Ivy League in the United States or Group of Eight in Australia are the prime example of university associations which consisted of country`s most prestigious education institutions.

However, Russell Group, and perhaps the other similar groups, is more than just an elite group with big names. They serve real impact on many practical aspects on a wider society. Russell Group provides major contribution for research and education development, economic stability, and better community. Altogether, Russell Group members provide ultimate support for the UK and global development.

According to Times Higher Education, The Russell Group injected GBP 86.5 billion for the UK`s economy during 2015-16 period, or GBP 3,6 billion by each university member in average. In Australia, Group of Eight contributed AUD 66.4 billion for the country`s economy through research, international students, graduates, and employment.
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Russell Group produces majority of the researches in the UK and provides a support for more than 300.000 jobs across the UK. They produce more than GBP 32 billion each year to maintain economic stability.

On December 2019, Russell Group published its statement regarding their commitment to support environment sustainability. This represented their existence and real contribution to tackle one of the most urgent world`s issues, climate change, trough cutting-edge research, teaching and sustainable practices. They have established Russell Group`s Environmental Sustainability Network as a media or platform in delivering practical approach to understand the issues and mitigate the impact.

The UK government has also set target zero emission of greenhouse gases in 2050. The Russell Group has indicated that they will provide support to this target trough focused utilization of science and technology to address the challenges and provide solution against the worsening climate change.

Russell Group has shown that academia and academic institutions are highly capable to provide real support and sustainable impact on society. Universities are not meant to be isolated in scientific communities and should have a critical role in delivering social, economic, environmental, and cultural impacts in a wider community. Moreover, academic institutions should also be actively involved in supporting Sustainable Development Goals as they do have power to help us to cope with climate change, global warming, and other pressing issues.

Nowadays, we are witnessing a lot of worrying issues happening both locally and globally. From immense flood in Greater Jakarta, to ice sheet on Jayawijaya mountain that is predicted to be gone due to global warming. The wildfires in Australia has been causing millions animals` deaths. The glaciers continue to melting or the snow falling on Saudi Arabia`s desert has shown us that climate change is real and it might be irreversible and bring more devastating outcomes if we keep our eyes closed.

Today in the UK, more than half universities have committed to derive from fossil fuel and endeavor to increase clean energy utilization. 78 out of 154 universities in the UK are working together for clean energy campaign.

That is something that is unlikely happening in Indonesia today. Perhaps, Indonesian people seem to be more concerned on how Indonesian universities can increase individual performance and go further in the world`s university ranking. Having a high ranking is good, but working together and collaborating for a bigger and wider impact for the world`s sustainability is holding much importance.

Fortunately, we have University of Indonesia that is among top 100 universities who support the Sustainable Development Goals agendas according to the Times Higher Education in 2019. However, we need more than just University of Indonesia. Indonesian`s leading education institutions are also able to do more breakthroughs in providing community development, economic stability, social security, and nature sustainability by working together under one umbrella.

Considering what Russell Group has committed to do in overwhelming the pressing issues has opened our eyes that academic institution can bring more significant impacts. If the universities in Indonesia are committed to work together under the same visions and goals, we might be able to tackle many local issues and involved in delivering bigger impact on a wider society as our legacy for the next generations.

The change won`t happen in one night and the impact may not be instantaneous. However, the condition will not get any better by doing nothing or keep doing the same approach. Therefore, it might be a good time for reflection. Should we have our own Russell Group for a bigger impact on world`s sustainability?

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A passionate medical doctor aiming to become forefront in medical practice, research and education.This blog is inteded to be a platform to share the beautiful and unforgetable journey in pursuing higher education abroad.


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