Kindness Starts From Where We Stand

Mother Theresa will always have her own place in humanity. She has shown us how loving other people can be started out from our simplest condition. One of her quotes has always been my favourite. She once said “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier”. From there I believe that every single one of us can offer something for our own society in creating a happier world. A world where we can see kindness as our own language in communicating with others.

I strongly believe that kindness is when we can use our lives to bring and shape positivity in other`s live since our lives have always been connected to others. We are not the sole owners of our lives. Some part of it belongs to others. In other words, our lives will be meaningful only if we can make a change to others` lives even if it only means bringing a simple tiny smile to their face. Kindness is something that needs real action, not a word to describe.

I have been admitted to several prominent universities in the United Kingdom for my master study and very enthusiast to start my international career. However, doing my duty as a doctor at a Community Health Centre (Puskesmas) in my hometown has brought major changes toward my perspective. As a doctor at the primary health care centre, I obtain many priceless opportunities to do medical service in the field for people from different social and economic backgrounds, particularly in the remote areas. It made me understand that I had been thinking too far and ignoring my local society that actually needs me more.

During my duty in the field, I have encountered people with different problems. Some of them were elderlies who could not go to Puskesmas on their own since their family and relatives are living in another cities. Some other elderlies could not seek for medical assistance because their physical conditions prevent them to do so.

I am also conducting health promotion and disease screening on elementary and high school students. Many of those schools are located in the distant areas. Many students go to school every day with dirty worn-out clothes and without wearing shoes. They must go to school earlier since they have to walk to their schools which are located several kilometres away from home. Therefore, they often do not put enough attention to their physical cleanliness and health making them susceptible for many health problems.

I then realized that if I need to give attention and kindness to society, here is exactly where I have to start. Creating a kinder society has to be started right from where we stand and from the simplest thing that we able to do. As for me, I always try to be a good listener for every problem of my patients because sometimes the patients only searching for the people who want to be their problem listener. I endeavour to provide service with the best knowledge and skill that I have. I carefully examine the students and refer them to Puskesmas if they may need further examination or treatment.

I once encountered an old woman who was suffering for Chronic Heart Failure. She had never been to church anymore for years because she had to walk uphill. I carefully listened to her complaints and gave her proper medication and advice. At the end, I gave her a high-five to cheer her up. It was heart-warming when she said “Thank you doctor. Hope to see you again” while smiling before leaving.

Everyone has their own potential to contribute in delivering kindness to our surroundings regardless their background or occupation. Thus, do not wait until anyone manage to start it. We have to start it ourselves from now on. I believe that kindness is contagious, no matter how little it is. It will spread like a virus and become a trigger for other people to do the same thing. That is why creating society full of kindness will always start from ourselves. If every single one wants to take responsibility as kindness provider, we will be the host of a better world.

Essay ini ditulis dalam rangka mengikuti International Essay Writing Contest yang diadakan oleh Goi Peace Foundation Japan dengan tema Creating Society Full of Kindness. Kontes ini diikuti 20.657 kontestan dari 157 negara. 

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A passionate medical doctor aiming to become forefront in medical practice, research and education.This blog is inteded to be a platform to share the beautiful and unforgetable journey in pursuing higher education abroad.


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